From: ibelcher(c)lefn.ora <br />To: Eugene RR -SC Plan <br />Subject: River Road Community Organization Testimony for CA -23-0003 RIVER ROAD -SANTA CLARA NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 3/'12/2024 Hea <br />Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 4:35:10 PM <br />Attachments: <br />imaae002.ona <br />image003.Dna <br />image004.png <br />RRCO to council on no.docx <br />You don't often get email from Learn why this is important <br />[EXTERNAL ] <br />Please enter the attached testimony for the CA -23-0003 RIVER ROAD -SANTA CLARA NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN <br />3/' 12/2024 Hearing (repeated below) Thank you. <br />River Road Community Organization <br />OW The River and Garden District <br />Date: March 12, 2024 <br />From: River Road Community Organization Executive Board <br />To: RRSCPIan@) <br />Re: Testimony for River Road /Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan and Code Amendments Hearing before <br />Eugene City Council and Lane County Commission <br />Dear elected officials, <br />We, the members of the River Road Community Organization Board, are writing in unanimous support of the <br />Draft River Road/Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan being submitted by the Eugene Planning staff, the RR/SC <br />Community Advisory Committee, and the River Road and Santa Clara community organizations. <br />For the past seven years, our community and board members have engaged in this effort with enthusiasm <br />and with the needs of our unique and fast-growing neighborhood in mind. The plan does not address all of <br />the requirements outlined as part of the Envision Eugene initiative. However, we believe that the current <br />draft should proceed through the adoption process, moving us forward from the refinement plan of 1986 that <br />currently guides the development for our area. We are ready to partner with the City and County and are <br />willing to accept some of the shortcomings of the document in order to proceed. <br />While the new plan will define much of the direction for the neighborhood, the River Road Community <br />Organization Board has identified three core areas of opportunity that were eliminated from the plan. As <br />these are central to the desires of our community, we are committed as a board to continue to advocate for <br />them to meet the needs of River Road residents. <br />1. No Parking Resolution for County Streets: Lane County controls 76% of River Road Local Streets (58x/0 <br />of Santa Clara's) and they have little capacity to enforce on -street parking standards. The reduction in on- <br />site parking requirements through the middle housing code amendments and other State standards means <br />that our experience with parking overflow near ECCO housing will become more intense. Many of the county <br />streets in our neighborhoods are not developed to urban standards and have limited capacity to <br />accommodate the overflow parking almost certain to occur. Without someway to regulate on -street <br />parking, further densification will lead to more unsafe streets in our neighborhoods. <br />17 <br />