From: <br />Alison Evans <br />To: <br />Eugene RR -SC Plan <br />Subject: <br />River Road Corridor <br />Date: <br />Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:33:55 AM <br />You don't often get email from Learn why this is important <br />[EXTERNAL ] <br />To Whom It May Concern: <br />We urge you to adopt the neighborhood plan, the action plan, and the code <br />amendments proposed by the SCCO for the River Road/Santa Clara area. As <br />residents of this area since 1995, we are disheartened by some of the changes noted <br />already, such as a U -Haul depot on River Road across from our street, where for a <br />brief time there was a supermarket. Why not more housing? Or another supermarket, <br />thus reducing the ever -worsening traffic flow on River Road? <br />The worst case scenario would be to see the River Road corridor become like what <br />has happened downtown, specifically near and around the university campus. There, <br />long-standing businesses have been razed to be replaced by hideous high rises with <br />no green space around them, looming like giant walls above the sidewalks. Please <br />help us keep the River Road area livable, and friendly to businesses, pedestrians, <br />and bicycles. <br />Remember, not all of us are in the "unincorporated" areas where where residents are <br />paying lower taxes. We wonder whether that is some of the rationale behind <br />decisions seeming to be made. We strongly object to seeing our very high property <br />taxes be put toward developments that make our neighborhood less livable. <br />Sincerely, <br />Alison Evans and Keith Johnson <br />4092 Hampshire Ln. <br />Eugene, OR 97404 <br />Is <br />