Over the 6.5 years of this project, the resident volunteers delivered- <br />• monthly (and more) Community Advisory Committee meetings <br />• bi-weekly project management team meetings <br />• forum planning and staffing <br />• outreach material generation <br />• presentations to neighbors, planning commissions, electeds <br />• listening sessions <br />• door to door business outreach for the entire corridor. <br /> <br />This plan has taken far longer than anticipated and has had to adjust to staffing changes, a <br />global pandemic, evolving state mandates, and competition for resources. These realities have <br />changed the scope of our work from far more comprehensive changes along our corridor to the <br />few most impactful code changes necessary to help us move in the direction articulated in the <br />plan. These code changes are the work of deep compromise between the CAC and City of <br />Eugene staff. They were not considered lightly and they are the framework from which we can <br />begin to build the future imagined by the residents-the reason for undertaking this project. <br /> <br />All the work from staff, volunteers and consultants is unanimous that ground floor commercial <br />in C-2 zones where multi story housing is being constructed is advantageous to both the <br />existing and new residents. It helps to create the nexus for vibrant walkable corridors that <br />accommodate much greater density without the need for space and resource committed to <br />vehicular accommodations. These goals are shared by the neighborhood plan and Envision <br />Eugene. We would encourage you to add this language to the code amendments. <br /> <br />Throughout the last 6.5 years we have continued to honor our agreement to collaborate, carry <br />our portion of the weight of the project, and to continually reflect the spirit of the collaboration <br />out to our neighbors. We need you to adopt the plan in its entirety to help the City of Eugene <br />honor their agreement to provide the deliverables crafted in that spirit of collaboration. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br />The board of SCCO-Jerry Finigan, Tim Foelker, Dawn Lesley, Jerry Mohr, Kate Perle, Terri Reed, <br />Louie Vidmar, Matt Vohs <br /> <br />17