by the residents of the two neighborhoods, an updated, forward-looking plan is proposed for this <br />part of Eugene. If adopted by the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners, the city and <br />county ordinances implementing the proposed Metro Plan Amendments will: <br />• adopt the new River Road- Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan <br />• remove Chapter II Section F of the Metro Plan (River Road and Santa Clara Goals, Findings, <br />and Policies) as well as references to that section in the Table of Contents and Chapter II <br />Introduction <br />• add reference to the River Road -Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan in Appendix B of the Metro <br />Plan <br />As a part of River Road -Santa Clara neighborhood planning, a set of changes to the City of Eugene's <br />Land Use Code are also proposed. The proposed code amendments, which will only be adopted by <br />the Eugene City Council and will only apply within the city limits, would establish River Road and. <br />Santa Clara neighborhood -specific code amendments to the C-2 Community Commercial and the R- <br />1 Low Density Residential zones in the River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods. The proposed <br />changes in C-2 include limiting building height, adding design standards, and prohibiting certain new <br />auto -oriented uses. The proposed changes in R-1 allow for the display and sale of agricultural <br />products grown offsite. <br />More information regarding the River Road -Santa Clara neighborhood planning process can be found <br />at the project webpage: <br />Procedures & Approval Criteria <br />On October 17, 2023, the Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions held a joint public hearing <br />on the proposed Metro Plan Amendments and Code Amendments. After deliberating and reviewing <br />public comment, the Eugene Planning Commission recommended that the City Council adopt the <br />proposed Metro Plan Amendments and the proposed Code Amendments, as amended during their <br />discussion. The Lane County Planning Commission recommended that the Board of Commissioners <br />adopt the proposed Metro Plan Amendments. <br />The City Council and Board of Commissioners will hold their own joint public hearing on March 12, <br />2024, then separately deliberate and make final decisions on the proposed amendments. <br />The Metro Plan Amendments and City Code Amendments are being processed concurrently. The <br />Metro Plan Amendments will be processed using the Type II Metro Plan amendment procedures in <br />sections 9.7700 -EC 9.7750 of the Eugene Code and sections 12.300 and 14.030 of the Lane Code. <br />The Eugene City Council and the Board of Commissioners will be the final decisionmakers on the <br />Metro Plan Amendments. The Code Amendments will be processed using the Type V land use <br />application procedures in sections 9.7500-9.7560 of the Eugene Code. The Eugene City Council will <br />be the final decision -maker on the Code Amendments. <br />In making their decisions on the proposed amendments, the City Council and Board of <br />Commissioners will address the relevant approval criteria, including but not limited to: <br />• Sections 9.7735 and 9.8065 of the Eugene Code <br />• Chapter 12.300.30 of the Lane Code <br />Mailed Notice: 02/23/2024 Page 2 of 4 <br />