Attachment A <br />Summary of River Road -Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan <br />Adoption Package Components <br />Metro Plan Amendments <br />The proposal involves a Metro Plan Amendment to be considered by the City of Eugene and Lane <br />County to: <br />• adopt the new River Road- Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan <br />• remove Chapter II Section F from the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro <br />Plan) and references to this section in the Table of Contents and Chapter II Introduction <br />Land Use Code Amendments <br />The proposal involves a City of Eugene Land Use Code Amendment to establish River Road and Santa <br />Clara neighborhood -specific code amendments within the city limits, as follows: <br />• In the C-2 Community Commercial Zone, applies the following design standards: <br />o Limit building height to 65 feet (current limit is 120 feet). <br />o Apply transition standards (setbacks, landscaping, and/or fencing) to new buildings and <br />building additions that increase the square footage of floor area by 20% or more for any <br />development on property abutting Low Density Residential (R-1) zoned land. <br />o Require buildings fronting River Road to provide a main entrance facing that street or to <br />the corner where River Road and another street intersect. <br />o Increase the minimum percentage of the street facing building facade that must be <br />within the maximum front yard setback, from 25% to 80%. <br />o Require minimum percentage of windows along the ground floor of street facing <br />facades and prohibit blank walls of more than 20 linear feet of any fagade. <br />o Require weather protection features over all building entrances. <br />• In the C-2 Community Commercial Zone (excepting most of the River Avenue area), prohibits the <br />establishment of the following uses: <br />o Motor Vehicle Sales/Rental/Service, excluding recreational vehicles and heavy trucks <br />o Motorcycle Sales/Rental/Service <br />o Recreational Vehicles and Heavy Truck, Sales/Rental/Service <br />o Agricultural Machinery Rental/Sales/Service <br />o Boat and Watercraft Sales/Service <br />o Equipment, Heavy, Rental/Sales/Service — includes truck and tractor sales <br />o Storage Facility, Household/Consumer Goods, enclosed <br />• In the R-1 Low Density Residential Zone, allows the "Display and Sale of Agricultural Products <br />Grown Offsite" as a permitted use and include limits to size of display, hours of operation, and <br />signage in keeping with "small scale." <br />Amends Table 9.8010 and corresponding figure to add the new River Road- Santa Clara <br />Neighborhood Plan <br />Adds adjustment review criteria specific to River Road -Santa Clara under EC 9.8030(39). <br />December 1, 2023 <br />