RIVER AVENUEMajor Collector20'BuildingAdditionDoesn't meetmaximum setbackon street frontage.All 3 proposed building walls requiredto have windows, colonnades, arcadesor main entrances every 20 linear feet.All windows shall have VLT.All 3 proposed building walls requiredto have windows, colonnades, arcadesor main entrances every 20 linear feet.All windows shall have VLT.138'BuildingAdditionBA15' max5' min.Doesn't meet 80%of all street facingfacades withinmaximum frontyard setback.C PROJECT NAME:Phone: 541.234.5108PO Box 10424SCHIRMER CONSULTING, LLC., LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND LANDUSE PLANNING EXPRESSLY RESERVE ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT ANDOTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TOBE REPRODUCED, CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNERWHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO A THIRD PARTYWITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OFSCHIRMER CONSULTING, LLC.IN THE EVENT OF UNAUTHORIZED REUSE OF THESE PLANS BY A THIRDPARTY, THE THIRD PARTY SHALL HOLD SCHIRMER CONSULTING, LLC.HARMLESS.SCHIRMER CONSULTING, LLCEugene, Oregon 97440RUCKERPROPERTIES, LLCSHEET NUMBERSHEET TITLEPHASEDRAWN BYDATECHECKED BYPROJECT ADDRESSPROJECT ADDRESSPROJECT NAMEcescesL1.0N0 25 50 100 <br />Scale: 1" = 50' - 0"Landscape Architecture + Land Use Planning2023 SCHIRMER CONSULTING, LLC SITE PLANRucker Properties, LLC121 River AvenueEugene, OR 97404Land Use Code Review11.28.23LAND USE CODE (draft)A. Proposed: Building addition as continuation off of existing front facade. Attemptsto meet proposed setbacks requirements.EC 9.2170 activated due to: 1) Increase length of street facing building facade bymore than 100% and 2) any building addition on C-2 property.·Part of addition within setback.·Cannot meet 80% of facade within maximum front yard setback.·Existing driveway access blocked.·Potential non-conforming structure status.·Possible Adjustment Review for EC 9.2170-(4)(c) - portion of building outside max setback.-(4)(c)(3) - not possible for 80% of addition to be within min-max setback area.-(13) - windows not conducive to security and cost concerns.B. Proposed: Building addition at back of lot to maximize site layout and access offof River Avenue.EC 9.2170 activated due to: 1) Increase length of street facing building facade bymore than 100% and 2) any building addition on C-2 property.·No part of addition within setback.·Cannot meet 80% of facade within front yard setback.·Potential non-conforming structure status.·Possible Adjustment Review for EC 9.2170-(4)(b) and (4)(c) - entire addition outside min and max setback area. Situated more than 100 feet from street frontage.-(4)(c)(3) - 0% located within setbacks.-(13) - security and cost concerns.POTENTIAL CONFLICTSEC 9.1230 Legal Nonconforming Structure. A structure that was legally established but no longer conforms to alldevelopment standards of this land use code (such as height or setbacks).(2) A legal nonconforming structure may be altered to bring the structure closer to compliance with existingregulations, but shall not be altered in a manner that increases its nonconformity.EC 9.2170 Commercial Zone Development Standards(4) Setbacks(4)(b) Minimum front yard setback stated in Tab;e 9.2170 Commercial Zone General Building Height andSetback Standards, shall apply only to new buildings and any building addition that increases thelength of the building facade facing a street, internal accessway, private drive, or shopping street . ..by at least 100%(4)(c) Maximum front yard setback . . . . . shall apply only to new buildings and any building addition thatincreases the length of the building facade facing a street, internal accessway, private drive, orshopping street . .by at least 100%.(4)(c)3. On properties zoned C-2 and located with the city limits of City of Eugene and the RR-SCNeighborhood Plan Area . . . a minimum of 80% of all street facing facades must be within maximumfront yard setback or orientation to internal accessway, private drive, or shopping street . . .(13) River Road/Santa Clara Specific Standards. The following standards apply to new buildings and anybuilding additions on properties zoned C-2 and located within the city limits of the City of Eugene andthe RR-SC Neighborhood Plan Area . .(b)River Road/Santa Clara Building Walls/Window Coverage2. All windows shall have a minimum Visible Light Transmission (VLT) of 0.6 or higher.3. A blank length of wall of more than 20 linear feet is prohibited along any facade, Windows,arcades, colonnades or main entrances can be used to address this standard.6