approve the Neighborhood Plan, Action Plan, and Neighborhood -specific Code <br />Amendments with some small staff and community -generated revisions. <br />The CAC recommendation was informed by unanimous recommendations from both the <br />River Road and Santa Clara community organizations earlier in July. <br />Staff made refinements to the draft plan documents in alignment with the community <br />recommendations before bringing updated versions to both Planning Commissions. <br />• Draft Neighborhood Plan <br />• Draft Action Plan <br />• Proposed Neighborhood -specific Code Amendments <br />• Proposed Metro Plan Amendments <br />If you are interested in receiving mailed notice for upcoming public hearings and the <br />notice of decision, you can sign-up for the official interested parties list for the River <br />Road -Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan adoption process. First and last names, along with <br />mailing addresses, may be made available to the public under Oregon Public Records <br />Law. <br />Eugene Planning Commission held a work session on October 10 to review the <br />neighborhood planning process and work to date. Both Planning Commissions held a <br />Joint Public Hearing on October 17 to hear public testimony and ask questions of staff. <br />Visit the project website to view neighborhood planning documents, outreach materials, <br />and other project resources. <br />COLANE t Eugene <br />OREGON <br />