•4of4- <br />car wash, gas station, and/or tire sales and service business, all automobile specific uses that will <br />continue to be permitted within River Avenue. <br />V. Conclusion —Either: 1) the Proposed Amendments Should Not be Implemented <br />or 2) the North Side of River Avenue Should be Removed from the Geographic <br />Area Subject to Proposed Amendments <br />If implemented, the proposed amendments will adversely impact a viable business area with local <br />businesses that offers immediate access to River Road and the Beltline and where commercial <br />activity is appropriate and has been thriving for decades; and instead, the amendments will <br />particularly affect River Avenue businesses by decreasing property valuation, severely restrict the <br />ability of businesses and landowners to renovate and expand, decrease building security, and cause <br />uncertainty for potential buyers and lessors. The overall effect to River Avenue businesses will <br />undoubtedly change the economic viability of this area. <br />The location and nature of River Avenue with existing long-term and locally owned businesses <br />should be protected. We urge the Planning Commissioners to support a healthy and local business <br />area and reject the proposed amendments. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Andree N. Phelps <br />Attorney for Lewis Rucker and Rucker Properties, LLC <br />Andree Phelps • Attorney at Law <br />Andree Phelps Law, LLC <br />541.221.1431 <br />andree@andreephelpslaw.com <br />