6 <br /> <br />and special districts including the River Road Water District, River Road Parks and Recreation District, <br />Santa Clara Water District, Junction City Water Control District, Santa Clara Rural Fire Protection District, <br />Lane Fire Authority, and Lane Transit District. There are no exceptions to Statewide Planning Goal 2 <br />required for these amendments. Therefore, the amendments are consistent with Statewide Planning <br />Goal 2. <br /> <br />Statewide Planning Goal 3 – Agricultural Lands. To preserve agricultural lands. <br />The Metro Plan amendments do not change the zoning or plan designation for any lands designated by <br />the comprehensive plan for agricultural use. To the extent that there are properties within the <br />Neighborhood Plan Area that are currently designated and/or zoned for agricultural use, the Metro Plan <br />amendments do not change the zoning of those properties or force a discontinuance of agricultural <br />practices. For these reasons, the amendments are consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 3. <br />Additionally, the Metro Plan amendments are consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 3 because the <br />Neighborhood Plan includes goals and policies intended to preserve agricultural lands and practices, <br />including: Goal 10, “Preserve agricultural land and open spaces within the Neighborhood Plan <br />boundary;” and Policy 10.1 provides “Agricultural Land Preservation Outside the Eugene Urban Growth <br />Boundary (UGB): Preserve high value farmland (Class 1 and Class 2 soils) outside the UGB for farm use, <br />where feasible or as the state allows.” The Neighborhood Plan provides for preservation of agricultural <br />lands. <br /> <br />Statewide Planning Goal 4 – Forest Lands. To conserve forest lands. <br />The amendments do not affect any lands designated by the comprehensive plan for forest use. The <br />amendments are therefore consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 4. <br /> <br />Statewide Planning Goal 5 - Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources. To <br />conserve open space and protect natural and scenic resources. <br />OAR 660-023-0250(3) provides: Local governments are not required to apply Goal 5 in consideration of a <br />PAPA unless the PAPA affects a Goal 5 resource. For purposes of this section, a PAPA would affect a Goal <br />5 resource only if: <br />(a) The PAPA creates or amends a resource list or a portion of an acknowledged plan or land use <br />regulation adopted in order to protect a significant Goal 5 resource or to address specific <br />requirements of Goal 5; <br />(b) The PAPA allows new uses that could be conflicting uses with a particular significant Goal 5 <br />resource site on an acknowledged resource list; or <br />(c) The PAPA amends an acknowledged UGB and factual information is submitted demonstrating <br />that a resource site, or the impact areas of such a site, is included in the amended UGB area. <br />These Metro Plan amendments do not create or amend the City’s or County’s list of Goal 5 resources, do