4 <br /> <br />This package of Metro Plan amendments has been the subject of extensive public involvement over the <br />course of several years. The document titled River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan Engagement <br />Summary attached to these Findings as Appendix 1 and hereby adopted as additional findings of <br />compliance with Goal 1, summarizes the public engagement efforts used to educate the public and <br />obtain feedback on the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan throughout each phase of the <br />planning process. <br />A final round of community engagement took place during the adoption phase, leading up to the pre- <br />adoption notice provided to the Department of Land Conservation and Development. In March 2023, <br />the Neighborhood Plan’s Community Advisory Committee approved bringing the draft Neighborhood <br />Plan, a non-regulatory Action Plan, and neighborhood-specific code amendments out for community <br />feedback, kicking-off the broader engagement process for the adoption phase. Updated drafts of the <br />Neighborhood Plan, Action Plan, and the neighborhood-specific code amendments were published to <br />the project website and the project’s Engage Eugene site, part of the City of Eugene’s online <br />engagement platform. <br />Project staff distributed information about the neighborhood planning process and the adoption process <br />through a variety of digital media, including the project website, Engage Eugene webpage, social media, <br />and e-newsletters from the City Planning Division and both community organizations. Project staff also <br />developed summary documents and graphics that were made available online and at in-person events. <br />In early May 2023, project staff mailed a postcard to all owners and residents of the River Road and <br />Santa Clara neighborhoods, approximately 16,800 people. The postcard featured ways to engage during <br />the adoption phase, including virtual information sessions, an in-person community event, a meeting <br />toolkit, and an online feedback form. <br />A joint public hearing on the proposed River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan was held by the <br />Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions on October 17, 2023. Consistent with City and County <br />code requirements, the Planning Commissions’ joint public hearing on the proposal was duly noticed to <br />all neighborhood organizations in Eugene as well as community groups and individuals who requested <br />notice. Notices were provided at the following times: <br />September 12, 2023: The City’s proposed River Road-Santa Clara neighborhood- <br />specific code amendments and notice of the Joint Planning <br />Commission public hearing on the amendments were filed with <br />the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and <br />Development. <br />September 15, 2023: Notice of the Joint Planning Commission public hearing on the <br />proposed amendments was mailed to the parties listed in <br />section 9.7520(2) of the Eugene Code and to the individuals and <br />entities on the City’s interested parties list. <br />September 22, 2023: Notice of the Joint Planning Commission public hearing was <br />published in the Register Guard Newspaper. <br />October 17, 2023: The Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions held a joint <br />public hearing on the proposed Metro Plan Amendments and