1 <br /> <br />Findings in Support of the Adoption of the <br />River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan <br />Metro Plan Amendments <br />City of Eugene and Lane County <br />(City File MA 23-5 and County File: 509-PA23-05532) <br /> <br />Overview <br />The City of Eugene and Lane County, in collaboration with the River Road and Santa Clara Community <br />Organizations and neighborhood volunteers have been working together on an updated neighborhood <br />plan that creates a vision for growth and development in a manner that respects the area’s unique <br />characteristics and opportunities. <br /> <br />The purpose of the Metro Plan Amendments is to adopt an updated neighborhood plan that: <br />• provides policy direction for City and County decision-makers as they consider future legislative <br />actions <br />• guides City and County staff in: <br />o formulating proposed changes to local land use regulations and other regulatory <br />documents <br />o developing other work programs and long-range planning projects <br />o preparing budgets and capital improvement programs <br />• calls for collaboration as well as continued or additional efforts from the River Road and Santa <br />Clara Community Organizations and other community partners <br /> <br />Metro Plan Amendments <br />The proposal involves a Type II Metro Plan Amendment pursuant to EC 9.7705(2)(b) to: <br />• repeal the 1987 River Road Santa-Clara Urban Facilities Plan; <br />• adopt the new River Road- Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan as a refinement of the Eugene- <br />Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan); <br />• remove Chapter II Section F from the Metro Plan as well as references to the section in the Table <br />of Contents and Chapter II Introduction of the Metro Plan; <br />• Amend Appendix B to the Metro Plan to remove references to the 1987 River Road Santa-Clara <br />Urban Facilities Plan and to add a reference to the new River Road- Santa Clara Neighborhood <br />Plan. <br /> <br />The proposed River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan (Neighborhood Plan) creates a vision for <br />growth and development in a manner that respects the area’s unique characteristics and <br />opportunities and includes vision statements, goals, and policies that reflect community values, <br />aspirations, and priorities expressed during outreach. The Neighborhood Plan also carries over <br />relevant themes and policies from the previously adopted 1987 Urban Facilities Plan, while <br />significantly updating the content to reflect changes in the community over the last 36 years. The <br />Neighborhood Plan provides policy direction for City and County decision-makers as they consider <br />future legislative actions, and guides City and County staff in formulating proposed changes to local <br />land use regulations and other regulatory documents, developing other work programs and long- <br />range planning projects, and preparing budgets and capital improvement programs. The