15 <br /> <br />The Urban Facilities Plan contains Policy 4.2(2) that reads, “In the event of annexation or incorporation, <br />agricultural zoning shall be maintained on land to which it is currently applied until the property is <br />needed for urban levels of development.” Although repealing the Urban Facilities Plan is proposed, the <br />policy direction related to agricultural land continues to be represented in the Metro Plan. <br />A.23 Reduce impacts of higher density residential and mixed-use development on surrounding uses by <br />considering site, landscape, and architectural design standards or guidelines in local zoning and <br />development regulations. <br />The Neighborhood Plan includes policies related to reducing impacts from surrounding uses. For <br />example, Neighborhood Plan Policy 14.1 states, “Compatibility Transitions: Enhance compatibility <br />through development standards such as height and scale transitions, setbacks, buffering with trees, and <br />window offsets between adjacent properties that are zoned differently through legislative updates to <br />local land use regulations.” <br />A.36 Coordinate public, private, and consumer sectors of the area’s housing market, including public- <br />private partnerships, to promote housing for low- and very low-income households and to increase <br />housing density and types. <br />Consistent with this Metro Plan policy, Neighborhood Plan Policy 12.2 aims to plan for affordable <br />housing in the River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods through collaboration with community <br />partners. The policy states, “Affordable Availability: Plan for affordable and moderate-income housing <br />throughout the River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods through strategies, funding, partnerships, <br />and execution of the City and County’s housing plans.” <br />Chapter III C. Environmental Resources Element <br />C.2 Designated agricultural lands shall be protected for agricultural uses through zoning for exclusive <br />farm use or equivalent acceptable zoning and through application of other protective measures. <br />Consistent with this Metro Plan policy, Neighborhood Plan Policy 10.1 aims to protect agricultural land <br />outside the UGB. It states, “Preserve high value farmland (Class 1 and Class 2 soils) outside the UGB for <br />farm use, where feasible or as the state allows.” <br />Chapter III D. Willamette River Greenway, River Corridors, and Waterways Element <br />D.3 Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County shall continue to cooperate in expanding water-related parks <br />and other facilities, where appropriate that allow access to and enjoyment of river and waterway <br />corridors. <br />D.9 Local and state governments shall continue to provide adequate public access to the Willamette <br />River Greenway. <br />The Urban Facilities Plan contains Policy 4.8(1) that reads, “Increased public access to the Willamette <br />River shall be a high priority in recreation land acquisition.” Although repealing the Urban Facilities Plan <br />is proposed, the policy direction related to recreation along the river continues to be represented in the <br />Metro Plan. Additionally, the Neighborhood Plan is consistent with these Metro Plan policies, as it <br />contains similar policies, including Policy 9.1, “Safe and Convenient Access: Provide safe and convenient <br />access to the riverbank park system for people walking, biking, and using mobility devices,” and Policy <br />9.2, “Stewardship of the Willamette River Ecosystem: Work with the community and non-profit