Transportation Vision Statement <br />The integrated transportation system in River Road and Santa Clara is safe, efficient, <br />and accessible for people of all ages, abilities, and socio-economic levels who choose <br />to bike, walk, drive, or use public transit. This system supports redevelopment, <br />economic opportunity and affordable, convenient access to daily needs. The design of <br />the transportation system enhances the sense of place and responds to the evolving <br />needs of the community. Our transportation system is environmentally responsible <br />and supports low carbon transportation options. <br />Goal 4: Ensure a safe transportation system for all users <br />4.1 Improve safety and access for pedestrians and bicyclists. <br />4.1.1 Implement Safe Routes to Schools program (SRTS) working with 4J and Bethel SRTS, City of <br />Eugene and Lane County. <br />a. Promote the construction of bike lanes/paths and sidewalks on main routes to schools. <br />b. Provide pedestrian/bike bridge over Beltline in a location West of River Road to improve <br />quality of access to North Eugene High School. <br />4.1.2 Implement protected pedestrian and bike lanes that address evolving neighborhood needs and <br />increase access to services for all. <br />a. Adopt new street standards using context sensitive design that allow for more flexible <br />sidewalk and bike lane design, and natural swales that clean stormwater, provide <br />wildlife habitat, and ensure longevity. <br />b. Major Collectors: Separate bike lanes from traffic along River Road and on major <br />corridors using buffered or protected lanes. <br />c. Local Streets: Use pavement markings and signage to identify walking, bicycling, and <br />driving spaces on local streets, where appropriate. <br />d. Develop a plan and install a system of walking and bicycling wayfinding signs throughout <br />RR/SC. <br />4.1.3 Sidewalks: Inventory needs for sidewalk infill and seek funding/incentives for prioritized infill <br />projects. Share inventory and priorities with city and county on a regular basis. <br />a. Communicate with adjacent property owners when designing and constructing new <br />sidewalks. Provide opportunities for input as the design allows. I <br />b. Allow neighborhood pathways in alleys, ROW, etc that connect discontinuous streets for <br />cyclists and pedestrians. Respect neighborhood character, increase access to services <br />for all, and ensure public safety. <br />c. Improve lighting to make biking and walking safer (emphasis in Santa Clara). <br /> 4.1.4 Crosswalks: Mark crosswalks on major corridors and collectors with pavement markings. <br />a. Plan for ADA approved crosswalks at regular intervals along River Road. <br />b. Encourage installation of user-actuated pedestrian signals near schools, where <br />appropriate. <br />c. Install crosswalks at bus stop amenities and river access streets. <br /> <br />CC Agenda - Page 12