NOTICE OF EUGENE CITY COUNCIL DECISION <br />Willamette River Greenway Code Amendments I City File No. CA 22-1 <br />On July 12, 2023, the Eugene City Council approved Ordinance No. 20693, an ordinance adopting <br />amendments to the Eugene Code to provide a clear and objective set of approval criteria and standards <br />for the review and approval of proposed housing development within the Willamette River Greenway, <br />consistent with the requirements of ORS 197.307 and Goal 15. The ordinance also adds tree <br />preservation requirements to the City's existing discretionary approval criteria for Willamette River <br />Greenway Permits. With these amendments, an applicant proposing to develop housing within the <br />Greenway may choose to proceed either under a set of clear and objective standards or the City's <br />discretionary approval criteria, located in sections 9.8800-9.8825 of the Eugene Code. The ordinance <br />does not change the adopted Willamette River Greenway Boundary. <br />To view the ordinance, visit:; The <br />ordinance will also be available in the future by visiting:, and going to <br />"Quick Links" and clicking on "Ordinances". <br />All related application materials, including the City's affidavit of mailing and the notice of decision <br />provided to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), are available for <br />viewing (or copies can be provided at cost), at the City's Permit and Information Center (PIC), located at <br />99 W 101h Ave, Eugene 97401. The PIC is open 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. Please <br />contact the staff representative listed below about any alternatives for reviewing materials. Application <br />materials may also be posted on the City's project website as a courtesy, at: www.eugene- <br /> <br />Adoption of Ordinance No. 20693 is the final City decision on this matter. Persons who appeared, <br />either orally or in writing, in the local government proceedings leading to adoption of the ordinance <br />may appeal the City Council's decision to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals. Appeals to the <br />Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals must be filed within 21 days of July 19, 2023 date this Notice of <br />Decision was mailed. Appeals to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals are governed by ORS 197.825 <br />to 197.845. <br />For additional information, please visit the project website listed above or contact: <br />Gabe Flock, Principal Planner <br />City of Eugene Planning Division <br />99 West 10th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 <br /> 1 541-682-5697 <br />Date Of Mailed Notice: 7/19/2023 <br />