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1.24.2023 Agenda Packet
CA 22-1
1.24.2023 Agenda Packet
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1/22/2023 4:01:30 PM
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Willamette River Greenway Code Amendments
Document Type
Staff Report
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Attachment A <br />while the whole neighborhood plan moves toward adoption and longer term implementation <br />through a variety of other City programs and projects, and collaboration with the neighborhood <br />organizations. <br />Statewide Planning Goal 5 and Goal 15 Relationship <br />As discussed in prior deliberations and meeting materials, the initial draft code included several <br />provisions for compliance with the existing Statewide Goal 5 (Natural Resource Protection) <br />regulations and the Statewide Planning Goal 15 (Willamette River Greenway) regulations. <br />Considerable effort was made to look at the best possible options for integrating the City's <br />existing Goal 5 regulations (from the /WR Water Resources Conservation Overlay Zone or "/WR <br />Overlay") into the proposed new Greenway standards. <br />Upon further review, it became clear that the intent and requirements of Goal 5 and Goal 15, <br />while related, are fundamentally different. Goal 5 is focused on implementing strict regulations <br />and a very limited set of uses to protect the Willamette River itself as a water resource, as well <br />as riparian areas along the riverbanks. Goal 15, on the other hand, is focused on a broader area <br />within the adopted Willamette River Greenway Boundary to ensure that permitted development <br />is compatible with the unique qualities of the river, including areas located well beyond the <br />extent of lands subject to the /WR Overlay requirements nearest the river. <br />As a result, the draft Willamette River Greenway code has been updated and simplified to allow <br />the protections and requirements of the /WR Overlay to stand on their own and apply <br />independently, as the "implementing measure" adopted to comply with Goal 5. As currently <br />drafted, applicants who wish to develop property located in the Greenway will need to comply <br />with both the Willamette River Greenway Permit requirements and any applicable /WR <br />requirements. <br />That said, the proposed code amendments align, where possible, Goal 5 and 15 protections for <br />the banks of the Willamette River. For example, the Goal 5 regulations set a 100-foot <br />conservation area from the top-of-bank, and the proposed amendments include a 100-foot <br />Greenway Setback for applications being reviewed under the clear and objective criteria. <br />Similarly, uses within the area within 100 feet of the river are extremely limited by both the Goal <br />5 regulations and the proposed clear and objective Willamette River Greenway approval criteria. <br />Staff will provide more information during deliberations to help facilitate a more complete <br />understanding about this change, how the two separate permitting processes would generally <br />work (i.e. Standards Review and Willamette River Greenway Permits), and the related <br />Willamette Greenway Clear and Objective prohibition on any new structures within the <br />Greenway setback other than pedestrian paths and/or pathways in support of water-related <br />uses and improved access to the river. <br />Other Related Development Standards <br />A variety of testimony has been provided throughout this process about the relationship <br />between the proposed clear and objective Willamette River Greenway approval criteria and <br />other development standards in the City's land use code, such as standards for stormwater <br />Page 8 of 43 <br />
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