Attachment B <br />Part 2 <br />NATIVE PLANT SPECIES FOR SITES AT OR BELOW 500 FEET IN ELEVATION WITHIN <br />THE EUGENE UGB <br />The plant species included in this list are species that grow and propagate themselves in the Eugene <br />area through natural processes, are adapted to the weather, soils and hydrology of the area, and have <br />evolved in the area or been introduced to the area by natural causes. These native plant species are <br />distinguished from plant species that have been deliberately or accidentally imported or introduced <br />from other areas by humans or human activities. <br />This list applies to all habitat types, including riparian, upland and wetland areas, below 500 feet in <br />elevation within the UGB, except within the West Eugene Wetlands Plan area, and within seasonal wet <br />prairie habitats (see Part 3). To meet Eugene Code requirements for native plants, these species are to <br />be used within the specified geographic area and elevation. Do not substitute alternate species. You <br />must use the specific species, subspecies or variety listed. <br />Wetland Indicator Status and Site Suitability information in the table below is intended as a guideline <br />for identifying suitable locations for plant species based on additional site characteristics, such as soils <br />and hydrology. <br />Trees <br />Wetland <br />Indicator Site <br />Common Name Scientific Name Status Suitability <br />grand fir <br />Abies grandis <br />NOL <br />UB <br />vine maple <br />Acer circinatum <br />FACU+ <br />UB <br />Oregon bigleaf maple <br />Acer macrophyllum <br />FACU <br />UB <br />white alder <br />Alnus rhombifolia <br />FACW <br />LB, UB <br />red alder <br />Alnus rubra <br />FAC <br />LB, UB <br />incense-cedar <br />Calocedrus decurrens <br />NOL <br />UB <br />Pacific dogwood <br />Cornus nutallii <br />NOL <br />UB <br />Oregon ash <br />Fraxinus latifolia <br />FACW <br />LB, UB <br />ponderosa pine <br />Pinus ponderosa <br />FACU <br />UB <br />black cottonwood <br />Populus balsamifera <br />FAC <br />LB <br />ssp. trichocarpa <br />Douglas-fir <br />Pseudotsuga menziesii <br />var. menziesii <br />NOL <br />UB <br />Oregon white oak <br />Quercus garryana var. garryana <br />NOL <br />UB <br />California black oak <br />Quercus kelloggii <br />NOL <br />UB <br />Pacific willow <br />Salix lucida <br />FACW+ <br />WE, LB <br />ssp. lasiandra <br />western yew <br />Taxus brevifolia <br />FACU- <br />UB <br />western redcedar <br />Thuja plicata <br />FAC <br />UB <br />Exhibit F to Ordinance No. 20351 Page 14 of 43 <br />Page 6 <br />