Willamette River Greenway Code Amendments <br />Attachment A <br />Amendments Guide: The following types of text are included in the document below. <br />Existing Black Text = Existing land use code that will remain unchanged. <br />uiiaerimtju dluf = Text proposed for addition to the land use code. <br />StrikethFo gh Red Tex = Text proposed for removal from the land use code. <br />Purple Text = See footnotes at EC 9.6885 and EC 9.8030(13) for details. <br />Highlighted Text = Text to be updated upon adoption of final ordinance. <br />9.0500 Definitions. 0110~~ <br />Change of Use. <br />(A) Except as provided in (13), a change from the existing use to another land use according to the <br />land use and permit requirement tables in this land use code. <br />(B) As used in Willamette Rives Greenway Permits beginning at EC 9.8800, making a different use of <br />the land or water than that which existed on December 6, 1975. It includes only a change that <br />requires construction, alterations of the land, water, or other areas outside of existing buildings <br />or structures and that substantially = affects the land or water. It does not include a <br />change of use of a building or other structure that does not substantially alter or affect the land <br />or water upon which it is situated. The sale of property is not in itself considered to be a change <br />of use. An existing open storage area shall be considered to be the same as a building for <br />purposes of defining "change of use" with regard to Willamette River Greenway permits. <br />Intensification (as used in Willamette Greenway Permits beginning at EC 9.8800). Any additions <br />that increase or expand the area or amount of an existing use, or the level of activity. Remodeling the <br />exterior of a structure not excluded below is an intensification when it will substantially alter the <br />appearance of the structure. Maintenance and repair that is usual and necessary for the continuance of <br />an existing use is not an intensification of use. Reasonable emergency procedures necessary for the <br />safety or the protection of property are not an intensification of use. Residential use of lands within <br />the Greenway includes the practices and activities customarily related to the use and enjoyment of <br />one's home. Landscaping, construction of driveways, modification of existing structures or construction <br />e-or placement of su,, Mures or facilities adjacent to the residence eF placement of Such <br />subsidiaF , stFuetuFes as are usual and necessary to such use and enjoyment shall not be considered an <br />intensification. Seasonal increases in gravel operations shall not be considered an intensification of use. <br />Water-dependent. A use or activity which can be carried out only on, in, or adjacent to water areas <br />because the use reauires access to the water bodv for water-borne transaortation. recreation. ener <br />roduction. or source of water. <br />Draft: December 1, 2022 <br />Page 2 of 25 <br />Page 8 of 39 <br />