Willamette River Greenway Code Amendments <br />Attachment A <br />review authority specified in Table 9.7055 Applications and Review Authorities by the <br />following: <br />(a) Applicant. <br />(b) Owner of the subject property. <br />(c) Neighborhood group officially recognized by the city that includes the area of the <br />subject property. <br />(d) Any person who submitted written comments in regards to the original application. <br />(e) A person entitled to notice of the original application. <br />(f) A person adversely affected or aggrieved by the initial decision. <br />(2) The appeal shall be submitted on a form approved by the city manager, be accompanied by <br />a fee established pursuant to EC Chapter 2, and be received by the city no later than 5:00 <br />p.m. of the 12th day after the notice of decision is mailed. The record from the planning <br />director's proceeding shall be forwarded to the appeal review authority. New evidence <br />pertaining to appeal issues shall be accepted. <br />(3) The appeal shall include a statement of issues on appeal ^^d- h^';mited- to the issueS Sed <br />n the appeal.. The appeal statement shall explain specifically how the planning director's <br />decision is inconsistent with applicable criteria. Appeals of planning director decisions on <br />applications for permit as defined in Uh,, -..-,)ter 227 shall not be limited to the issued <br />raised in <br />armlicati <br />9.7615 Public Hearing Notice. <br />(3) At least 20 days prior to the hearing, written notice shall be mailed to all of the following: <br />(a) Applicant. <br />(b) Owner of the subject property. <br />(c) Appellant. <br />(d) Neighborhood group or community organization officially recognized by the city that <br />includes the area of the subject property. <br />(e) Any person who provided written comments prior to the close of the public comment <br />period. <br />(f) Owners of property within 100 feet of the perimeter of the subject property. <br />Draft: December 1, 2022 <br />Page 16 of 25 <br />Page 22 of 39 <br />