Willamette River Greenway Code Amendments <br />Attachment A <br />Table 9.6885(2)(d )2. Approved Species List <br />Genus and Species <br />Common Name <br />Umbellularia californica <br />California Bay Laurel <br />Zelkova serrata <br />Zelkova <br />Tree Preservation Area Alternative. <br />A Tree Preservation and Removal Plan is not required if the <br />applicant chooses to preserve at least 50 percent of the total <br />existing d.b.h. of significant trees on the development site within <br />one or more tree preservation area(s) and the following <br />requirements are met: <br />(1) Tree preservation area(s) must be delineated and shown on <br />a site plan submitted for approval by the City. <br />(2) Applicant must provide written certification from a certified <br />arborist or licensed landscape architect stating that the <br />area(s) designated for tree preservation include(s) at least 50 <br />percent of the total existing d.b.h. of significant trees on the <br />development site. <br />A <br />4 <br />installed by the applicant and inspected by the City prior to <br />beginning any development activities. All protective tree fencing <br />must remain in place until completion of all construction activities; <br />any relocation, removal, or modification of the protective fencing <br />shall only occur under the direction of a certified arborist and a <br />written explanation of the reason for the relocation, removal, or <br />modification of the protective fencing from the certified arborist <br />must be provided to the City." <br />b. "At the time of building permit, a site plan in compliance with the <br />approved tree preservation and removal plan is required." <br />C. "No excavation, grading, material storage, staging, vehicle parking <br />or other construction activity shall take place within protective tree <br />fencing areas." <br />d. "The removal of trees not designated to be preserved is optional; <br />removal may occur at the owner's discretion." <br />e. "Any tree designated for mitigation must be replaced with one tree <br />selected from the approved species listed in Table 9.6885(2)(4e)2 <br />(3) No trees within the Willamette River Greenway Setback may <br />count toward the 50 percent preservation requirement. <br />b. Mitigation is not allowed when the Tree Preservation Area <br />Alternative is used to meet tree preservation requirements, except <br />as approved through an adjustment review according to EC <br />9.8030(13). <br />Protection Standards. The following notes must be included on the final <br />plan set submitted for approval by the City and shall apply at the time of <br />development: <br />a "Protective fencing for trees identified to be preserved shall be <br />Draft: December 1, 2022 <br />Page 11 of 25 <br />Page 17 of 39 <br />