staff to schedule a new public hearing, to allow for additional public input and refinement of <br />the draft code. <br />After the second public hearing, the Planning Commission would resume deliberations as <br />subsequent meetings and forward a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will <br />then hold its own public hearing and deliberations before taking final action on the proposed <br />amendments. <br />POTENTIAL MOTION <br />Move to reopen the Planning Commission record to accept written testimony on the proposed <br />Willamette Greenway Code Amendments (City File # CA 22-1) and to direct staff to schedule a <br />second Planning Commission public hearing on the proposed amendments. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />A. Post-Hearing Supplemental Information <br />B. Draft Code Amendments <br />C. Draft Design Plan <br />FOR MORE INFORMATION <br />More information regarding the Willamette River Greenway Code Amendment project can be <br />found here:, or by contacting <br />staff directly: <br />Gabe Flock, Principal Planner & Project Manager <br />Telephone: (541) 682-5697 <br />Staff E-Mail: <br />Page 8 of 91 <br />