CITY OF EUGENE <br />WILLAMETTE GREENWAY CODE AMENDMENTS <br />WILLAMETTE GREENWAY PERMITS AMENDMENTS JANUARY 31, 2022 <br />Amendments Guide: The following amendments are included in the document: <br />Existing Text = Text that exists and will remain unchanged. <br />Underlined Text = Text proposed for addition to the land use code. <br />eat = Text proposed for removal from the land use code. <br />Moved Text = Text that is proposed to remain but moved to a different location in the code. <br />9.8800 Purpose of Willamette River Greenway Permits <br />The purpose of Willamette River Greenway Permits Special consideration is required to implement Oregon <br />Statewide Planning Goal 15, Willamette River Greenway which is designed to protect, conserve, enhance, <br />and maintain the natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, economic, and recreational qualities of lands along <br />the Willamette River. Protection, conservation, enhancement, and maintenance of the qualities of lands <br />within the Willamette River Greenway is achieved through the following measures: <br />(1) Review of -ilntensification of uses, changes in use, grand developments eggtFFre spec+a-l-eonsderatio <br />before bei-ng-pet--ni proposed within the boundaries of the Willamette River Greenway. <br />M(2) Imposition ofSpecial consideration is required to implement Oregon Statewide Planning <br />Willamette Rover Greenway which is designed to protect, conserve, enhance, and maintain the natural, <br />scen c, historical, agricultural, economic, and recreational qualities of lands along the Willamette Rive, <br />Urban uses may be allowed but conditions ef-appreva , ay be impo of approval as are deemed <br />necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of the Willamette River Greenway, and to insure that <br />any intensification of uses, changes in use, or developments within the Willamette Greenway <br />boundaries are compatible with nearby uses within the Willamette Greenway. <br />(3) Establishment of a Greenway Setback line to keep structures separated from the river and to protect, <br />maintain, preserve, and enhance the natural, scenic, historic, and recreational qualities of the <br />Willamette River Greenway, as identified in the Goal 5 inventory. <br />(4) Implementation of an administrative review procedure incorporating clear and objective standards for <br />compatibility review of proposed housing development, as allowed under OAR 660-015-0005 F.3.f., to <br />insure that, to the greatest possible degree, the development of housing consistent with the adopted <br />clear and objective standards will provide the maximum possible landscaped area, open space or <br />veaetation between the housina and the river and that necessarv public access will be provided to and <br />along the river by appropriate legal means. <br />9.8805 Willamette River Greenway Permits - Applicability <br />Willamette River Greenway permit applications are required for intensification of uses, changes in use, or <br />developments within the boundaries of the Willamette River Greenway aeear-dii~toestablished by <br />Resolution No. 2592 Adopting a Willamette River Greenway Boundary. <br />DRAFT AMENDMENTS FOR DLCD UPLOAD <br />