CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />1. The Final Site Plans shall include the following note: "A minimum of 11 canopy trees shall <br />be planted in the L-2 landscape area and the landscape area between the LTD transit station, <br />including the Park-and-Ride, and the southern property line." <br />2. Prior to the removal of any street trees, the applicant will obtain the appropriate street tree <br />removal permit(s) in conformance with EC 6.305. <br />3. Prior to final site plan approval, a deed for street right-of-way for the proposed connector <br />street shall be conveyed to the City on a standard City form, submitted to the city for review <br />and approval prior to recording, and which shall be recorded prior to the final site plan <br />approval. <br />4. In conjunction with construction of the new public connector street, a temporary easement <br />and emergency vehicle turnaround shall be provided. <br />5. The applicant shall create a 1-foot reserve strip along the northerly margin of the proposed <br />new street dedication. The reserve strip shall be noted on the final site plan as a 1-foot <br />Reserve Strip "A" and be conveyed to the City on a standard City form, submitted to the <br />City for review and approval prior to recording, and which shall be recorded prior to final <br />site plan approval. <br />6. Prior to final site plan approval, approval for a street name for the proposed connector street <br />shall be submitted for review and approval by the regional road naming group. <br />Fred Wilson <br />Hearings Official <br />Dated this 3rd day of July 2019. <br />Mailed this 5th day of July 2019. <br />SEE NOTICE OF HEARINGS OFFICIAL DECISION FOR STATEMENT OF APPEAL RIGHTS <br />Hearings Official Decision (PDT 19-1/ARA 19-1) 5 <br />