r IQIIIIIIIIJ. U U t=VCIUPIIICIII <br />99 West 10" Avenue <br />Eugene Oregon 97401 <br />p 541.682.5453 <br />f 541.682.357-l' <br />nick.r.gioello@ci.eugene.or.us <br />From: Carol Schirmer [mailto:carol@schirmersatre.com] <br />Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 1:22 PM <br />To: GIOELLO Nick R <Nick.R.Gioello@ci.eugene.or.us> <br />Subject: Capital Hill: Help <br />Nick: <br />I have not had a chance to talk to the client yet but am running out of time. <br />I would like to schedule the public hearing for January 10tH <br />Could you please tell me how many more days we need to add on to the 30 we already have <br />Are we adding 70 more? <br />Please confirm my math and I will send you confirmation that we will do this. <br />Thanks <br />carol <br />Carol Schirmer <br />Schirmer Satre Group <br />Planners, Landscape Architects, Environmental Specialists <br />375 West 4th <br />Suite 201 <br />Eugene, OR 97401 <br />www.schirmersatre.com <br />PH: (541) 686-4540 x1 <br />Fax: (541) 686-4577 <br />