Technologyt Associates <br />Unlike the NorthQreen application referenced in staff's letter, where no generator was <br />proposed, there is an emergency generator at this location. As described above, it is not <br />feasible to locate the generator underground and its contribution to the noise output is de <br />minimus, as the generator would only operate during one monthly 5-10 minute maintenance <br />test during daytime hours (7 AM 10 PM). This test con be scheduled at a time designed to have <br />the slightest impact on surrounding property owners. In the event of emergency, the generator <br />would operate for the time required within the heavily baffled equipment enclosure to provide <br />critical wireless service to the neighborhood during an emergency. <br />The proposed design of the ancillary equipment eliminates the need for undergrounding, as <br />demonstrated in the site plans, photo simulations and noise study. The equipment will be <br />located within an extension of the existing building, which will also serve as storage for the <br />Church. The extension is minimal in proportion to the size of the existing building and will be <br />painted and finished to match the existing structure. Applicant also proposes new landscaping <br />around the perimeter of the building extension so the ancillary equipment stored inside it will be <br />completely stealthed and have minimal visual impact. See Att. Z and 2. <br />13. <br />(9) Variance. <br />The city maygrant a variance to the setback and <br />undergrounding requirements subsections (7)(d) or(8) upon <br />findingthatstealth design, proposed landscaping, <br />configuration of the site, orthe presence of maturetrees <br />obviates the need for compliance. <br />7117 SW Beveland Street, Suite 101 <br />Tigard, OR 97223 <br />(323) 559-4103 <br />Email <br /> <br />12 <br />