00 <br />Technology Associates <br />home, noise generating equipment shall be sound-buffered by <br />means of baffling, barriers, or other suitable means to reduce <br />sound level measured at the property line to 45dBa. <br />The noise report is difficult to read. Please be clear about mitigation for the generator. <br />RESPONSE: The acoustical report prepared by SSA Acoustics dated October 22, 2014 indicates <br />that the predicted sound level generated by the generator will exceed the Eugene's 45 dBA <br />requirement for the receiving properties to the south and west. The Engineer states that, while <br />the generator is excluded from the noise ordinance, to achieve a level near the 45 dBA level in <br />the code, Applicant must Install a louver equivalent to Vibro-Acoustics ALV-MV-8 at the air <br />discharge; sound absorbing material with a minimum NRC rating of 0.90 on at least 96 square <br />feet of the ceiling and 300 square feet of the walls of the generator room; install a sheet metal <br />hood on the outside of the air intake opening, to be lined with 1" duct liner, install a critical <br />grade exhaust stack muffler on the engine exhaust stack that provides 25-40 dBA noise <br />reduction equivalent to GT Exhaust Muffler 201-5100. <br />Per a follow up conversation with the Engineer on March 26, 2015, additional noise control can <br />also be added to assure that the generator meets the 45dBA noise level at the property lines. <br />12. <br />(8) Standardsfor Ancillary Facilities. All ancillaryfacilities shall <br />complywith the standards of subsections (7)(e) and (7)(f) of this <br />section. inaddition,all ancillary facilities within an R-1, PLC-1,GO, <br />and PRO zone must be located underground tothe maximum <br />extent technology allows, unless a variance is obtained pursuant <br />to the provisions of subsection (9) of this section. This restriction <br />does not apply within other zones. <br />7117 SW Beveland Street, Suite 101 <br />Tigard, OR 97223 <br />(323) 559-4103 <br />Email: jamb.finnevCataec.net <br />www.taec.net <br />10 <br />